Project’44 is an online map of the Western Front of the Second World War, co-created by Nathan Kehler and Drew Hannen from the Canadian Research and Mapping Association (CRMA). The CRMA partnered with museums and partner institutions like the Library and Archives Canada for over three years to digitize war diaries, maps and aerial photographs so that they could be available on the web map. This incredible feat has made over 7,000 pages of text and 7 million words available to the public. Aerial imagery of the Normandy front was supplied by the Institute National de L’information Geographique et Forestiere (IGN). The combinations of these primary source documents are distilled into Project’44 an easy-to-use interactive web map which is at the fingertips of historians and the general public.
Order of Battle of the U.S. Army, World War II, European Theater of Operations, Divisions. – U.S. Army Center of Military History.
« Mémoire & Database » was born in June 2014, based on an existing idea in the Netherlands: a database of American soldiers buried in the Cemetery of Margraten. The initial objective was to create a database of all American soldiers based in the two cemeteries of Normandy: Saint-James and Colleville-sur-Mer; to give a face, to tell the story of all these heroes so as never to forget their memory, to allow the families of these men and women to rediscover their paths, to historians, to future generations to discover them, to know who these soldiers came to die so far from their homeland for the freedom of Europe. In addition to the continued enrichment of the site on a daily basis, the idea was born in 2016 to publish a first volume containing the stories of these soldiers.
29th Division in World War II.
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